The whole concept behind this table design revolves around the distinctive gable detail adorning the ends of the tabletops - an element which challenges the natural grain of the wood, imparting a sense of loyalty to both the construction and the material itself. 

Our #141 table has a fixed tabletop and the dimensions is 100x209. You'll be able to seat eight people around the table. 

The dining table is also available in an smaller version, Skovby #140. 

For details on where to purchase, feel free to contact

Design: Nørgaard Design


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Alt for mange af de problemer, der opstår med møbler, sker som følge af forkert vedligeholdelse og/eller fordi der ved køb gives forkerte eller mangelfulde informationer. 

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Oak lacquer
Oak lacquer
Oak natural oil
Oak natural oil
Oak white oil
Oak white oil
Oak white oil nutmeg top
Oak white oil nutmeg top
Oak white oil w. top in black nano laminate
Oak white oil w. top in black nano laminate
Oak mocca lacquer
Oak mocca lacquer
Black oak
Black oak
Walnut lacquer
Walnut lacquer
Walnut lacquer w. top in black nano laminate
Walnut lacquer w. top in black nano laminate
Walnut lacquer w. nutmeg laminate top
Walnut lacquer w. nutmeg laminate top
Walnut natural oil
Walnut natural oil


82.3" / 209 cm
39.4" / 100 cm
29.1" / 74 cm
Skovby Hvidolie
Forlæng levetiden på dine møbler

Skovby Hvidolie

Skovby Hvidolie er velegnet til vedligeholdelse og pleje af hvidolierede Skovby-møbler. Produktet er baseret på vegetabilske olier, der imprægnerer, plejer og vedligeholder træets lyse udseende.
Skovby Hvidolie er en del af Skovbys Care Collection - en original plejeserie specielt udviklet til dine Skovby møbler.
Shop Care Collection
Skovby Hvidolie

Good craftmanship

Skovby furniture design builds on 80 years of experience with furniture production and a solid and strong opinion on raw materials, production and design. Our company is 100 % danish and our furniture 100% danish design.

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